Tawnya Morton
Hometown: Santa Clarita
Favorite Song: It changes with my mood.
Favorite G&G move: Hustler Lunge
Guilty Pleasure:
Watching Jersey Shore: Family Vacation or The Real Housewives of Orange County.
What allowed you to find your GRIT?
I found my grit by watching my mom as I was growing up and how she carried herself. She always approached difficult situations with grace and dignity. When our family was faced with almost losing my dad in a motorcycle accident and all the medical and financial issues that came along because he couldn’t work, my mom stood strong for all of us and made sure my dad was taken care of and that our daily lives weren’t disrupted.
What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for every moment I am alive and every breath I take.
One quote, one piece of advice or one bit of wisdom that you believe in and tell yourself daily:
Your thoughts and feelings create your reality. Think and feel with love and you will create love.
Sign: Libra