Maddison Brown
Hometown: Westchester
Favorite Song: A forever favorite is The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
Favorite G&G move: Lunges of any kind
Guilty Pleasure: Rom-coms that make me cry
What allowed you to find your GRIT?
I've lost and found my grit many times in my life, but I believe the most recent thing has been becoming a mom. My son makes me believe all is possible, he reminds me that I'm strong enough to do anything I put my mind to.
What are you grateful for?
A roof over my head, food in the fridge, and a heart that beats.
One quote, one piece of advice, or one bit of wisdom that you believe in and tell yourself daily:
"This too shall pass."
It's a constant reminder that life happens; the good, the bad, it will all pass. It grounds me to become present in my life and appreciate all of it
Sign: Sagittarius