Melissa Krupa Grit and Gratitude Studios

Melissa Krupa

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Favorite Song: Music for me really reflects where I am and really depends on my current life situation and vibe…but one song that will always be a favorite for many reasons is “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey….

Favorite G&G move: I can’t pick….I love them all….but my favorite moves are the ones that are the silent killers…the moves that can hardly be seen but are felt so deeply…the ones that if anyone from above was watching would think “you’re not doing anything” but really you are fighting for your life one pulse at a time!

Guilty Pleasure:
Mendocino Farms couscous and My Favorite Murder podcast!

What allowed you to find your GRIT?
I found my GRIT through sheer and utter perseverance….to be able to push through anything knowing that the best path is Through….trusting that no matter how tough your circumstance is you will always come out on the other side.

What are you grateful for?
I truly feel grateful for my family, my village, my friends, and The journey of life I’ve been on…all of the trials and tribulations that have led me to where I am today….to show up for myself and others in a more compassionate way without judgment.

One quote, one piece of advice, or one bit of wisdom that you believe in and tell yourself daily:
“Luck happens when opportunity meets preparation…if you are prepared when the opportunity presents itself then you will have good luck”

Sign: Aries (pure 🔥)