Kelly Bernards Grit & Gratitude Studios

Kelly Bernards

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland

Favorite Song: 90s/2000s hip hop forever has my heart, but currently obsessed with anything Zach Bryan

Favorite G&G move: Matador 😅

Guilty Pleasure: a hot americano with sweet cream ☕️

What allowed you to find your GRIT?
Becoming a mother, I learned quickly how I wanted to show up for my kids and what kind of example I had to set. I worked hard to release old patterns of negativity, much of this via movement and mediation at G+G, and this allowed me to shed some old heavy layers and tap into my true strengths and confidence. I’m so grateful for this community and space!

What are you grateful for?
My family, friends who’ve become family, G+G, the ability to move my body, health of myself and loved ones, sunny days at the beach, cozy mornings snuggling with my girls, and warm coffee.

One quote, one piece of advice or one bit of wisdom that you believe in and tell yourself daily:
This too shall pass and you will probably miss it.”
”Focus hard on what’s going right, and enjoy the ride.”
“All you need is Love 🤍”

Sign: Taurus