
Dawna Countryman

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Favorite Song: Oh man, there are so many…. But my favorite song is “As” by Stevie Wonder.

Favorite G&G move: Sugar Glider, I feel like I am flying when I do this move and the core engagement required is invigorating. All I need are wings!! :)

Guilty Pleasure:
Eating olive oil popcorn while drinking a glass of sauvignon blanc and watching a documentary or a cooking show on Netflix.

What allowed you to find your GRIT?
My upbringing allowed me to find my grit. Raised by a hard-working single mom, I had to grow up really fast. I was independent and super responsible at a very young age. I experienced things as a young child that I could never imagine my own kids experiencing. I liken my experience to a salmon swimming upstream because I was so driven and nothing was going to stop me from attaining success. Now that I look back, I am so grateful. I know the universe never gives us more than we can handle and I believe that many of the challenges I faced growing up prepared me for all that I have and will become.

What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for the love and support of my family. I thank God each day for the wonderful husband and beautiful children that he has blessed me with. I am also grateful to my “tribe” of sister wives. They inspire, support and encourage me!

One quote, one piece of advice or one bit of wisdom that you believe in and tell yourself daily:
I have been focused on living my life with grace, for without grace there is no gratitude. My daily mantra as of late is “there is joy in the journey”. I had a lot of fear when I decided to leave my former job in pursuit of my purpose. The transition has been much easier than I could have ever imagined because I choose to focus on the “joy”.

Sign: Taurus